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PRIM&R webinars explore timely topics, keeping professionals up to date as they navigate ethical dilemmas, regulatory challenges and tackle emerging issues. Webinars are the perfect add-ons for anyone looking to expand their knowledge in a concise format that doesn’t require significant time investment.
PRIM&R's live webinars are recorded and available for viewing on demand. Certificates of attendance are available for many live and recorded classes and may be used to obtain continuing education credit from professional organizations.
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Upcoming Webinars
Agility and Safety Scenarios in Human-Animal Interaction (HAI) Research and Social Behavioral and Educational Research (SBER)
Thursday, FEbruary 27 | 1:00-2:00 PM EST
The relationship between researchers and regulatory offices should feel like a partnership. Research compliance offices share goals of safety and ethics in research. Many times, this means being adaptable and agile to find the central core of best practices during very specific situations. This webinar will examine models that encourage dialogue and population-specific considerations in the early stages of research design; where we ask, “how can we create an environment where researchers and regulatory offices openly discuss challenges rather than just complying on paper?”
Recorded Webinars
Examining DEIJ Practices: From the Office to Beyond
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Justice initiatives can vary across different offices, institutions, and regions for research oversight professionals. This panel discussion will explore effective strategies for embedding DEIJ principles in your offices through case studies, while also widening the lens to explore the impact to surrounding offices and communities. Navigate how to support DEIJ research perspectives and foster a culture of trust and belonging with research participants. Join your colleagues from different regions and gain insight on how language and regional regulations impact DEIJ efforts. This multi-level understanding of DEIJ will equip you with the tools to critically assess and apply different principles when navigating DEIJ challenges.
AI in Regulatory Oversight Operations Webinar
Advances in artificial intelligence (AI) have led to increased discussions about the appropriate use of AI in research. Learn about the exciting opportunities for applications in the administration of research compliance
IRBs and Expanded Access: Ethical Considerations and Implementing FDA Guidance
Join this panel discussion to gain an understanding of expanded access (sometimes called “compassionate use”), the ethical issues involved, and an overview of recent regulatory and policy developments.
Defining and Navigating Risk in Exempt Research
Review the ethical questions you should be asking when reviewing and conducting Exempt research. Basic overview of exemptions provided with an emphasis on SBER research.
1.5 CE for CIP®
Resources for IRBs: Challenges with Reproductive Applications of Genomics Research
As the field of genomic science advances, there is growing interest in applications of genomic interventions in the reproductive context.
The Documents Side of an Animal Care and Use Program
Study the intricacies of a complex Animal Care and Use Program (ACUP) are interwoven with a collection of policies, guidelines, and standard operating procedures (SOPs), forming the backbone of its operational framework.
Doing it Right: Consent and Compensation in Crowdsourced Data Collection
Understand the history of the use of crowdsourcing for research data collection, issues of identifiability and representativeness of MTurk workers. Learn about techniques developed to ensure meaningful consent and compensation for participation.
Broad Consent
Gain an overview of the concept of broad consent, situational and contextual examples of appropriate use, alternatives to broad consent, and ethical considerations in disclosure of secondary findings.
Informed Consent: Understanding Regulatory Flexibilities
Explore how IRBs approach the review of informed consent and make determinations about waivers and alterations of both the process as well as the documentation. Find out what a waiver of informed consent means and if flexibilities can be found in the regulations.
What IACUCs Need to Know About Working with IBCs
Discover the similarities and differences between IACUC and IBC programs and how the two oversight models can work together effectively. Find practical ideas for achieving productive partnerships between these two compliance areas at your institution.
Considering the Ethical, Legal and Social Implications of Digital Health Research
The use of digital strategies and tools is on the rise in health research. While technologies like wearable sensors and social network platforms hold promise for understanding health behaviors, these strategies for gathering data include ethical, legal, and social implications (ELSIs) that must be considered.
Ongoing Study Oversight: Ensuring Protocol Compliance through Postapproval Monitoring
The challenges of providing ongoing study oversight to animal and human research protocols have continually increased because of such developments as increasing complexity of the research, institutional and public pressures, and changing regulations. What has not changed, however, is the institution responsibility to maintain oversight through its IACUC and HRPP.
Implementing New National Science Foundation (NSF) Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) Requirement
This webinar addresses changes to current National Science Foundation (NSF) requirements for education in the responsible conduct of research (RCR) as mandated by the CHIPS and Science Act.
Recognizing, Investigating and Reporting Noncompliance and Adverse Events
A critical part of IACUC oversight involves identifying when things go wrong, implementing corrective actions, and, in some cases, reporting to regulatory and oversight bodies.
Community Engagement in Research: Ethical Considerations for HRPPs
Explore how IRBs approach the review of informed consent and make determinations about waivers and alterations of both the process as well as the documentation. Find out what a waiver of informed consent means and if flexibilities can be found in the regulations. Should IRBs work more closely with research teams to identify the most appropriate informed consent approach for a study?