Nichelle Cobb, PhD, CIP
Senior Advisor for Strategic Initiatives
Association for the Accreditation of Human Research Protection Programs, Inc. (AAHRPP)
Nichelle Cobb, PhD, is the Senior Advisor for Strategic Initiatives for the Association for the Accreditation of Human Research Protection Programs (AAHRPP) and was previously a site visitor for AAHRPP and member of AAHRPP’s Council on Accreditation. Prior to joining AAHRPP, she served as the Human Subjects Protection Officer for the Institute for Clinical & Translational Research at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and was the Director of the Health Sciences Institutional Review Boards (IRBs) for 16 years. Nichelle has been involved in single IRB work for more than a decade and currently serves as a Senior Advisor for SMART IRB, a federally funded project that supports the implementation of single IRB.
In addition, Nichelle is a member of the SMART IRB Harmonization Steering Committee and has co-led working groups to harmonize IRB and Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) practices, such as reportable events, ancillary reviews, local context, and continuing review. Nichelle served on this year's human subjects research planning committee for PRIM&R Annual Conference and co-teaches courses for PRIM&R, including Exploring the Common Rule and IRB Administrator Core Training. She has written articles on the IRB process, single IRB, and eConsent.
SMART IRB Harmonization Steering Committee