Exploring the Common Rule:
A Guide for Beginners

PRIM&R Workshop for Beginning IRB Administrators

New to IRB Administration?

New to IRB Administration?

Does the Common Rule seem daunting?

If so, this workshop is for you!

A comprehensive understanding of the regulations that guide human protections provides a foundation to efficiently review research, effectively communicate with researchers, and ensure that research conducted at your institution is in compliance with the regulations.

Offered in three 2-hour sessions, it will provide you with a road map to navigate key sections of the Common Rule and set you on the path to a successful career in IRB administration.



Session 1:
Getting There: Discovering the Common Rule
What is the Common Rule, where can you find it, and how do you read it?

Session 2:
The Main Attraction: Regulations Related to the Review Process
Understand key sections of the Common Rule that relate to IRB review activities.

Session 3:
Notable Landmarks: Other Requirements You Need to Know
Responsibilities beyond the IRB review process that the Common Rule outlines and that IRB administrators might assume.

What will I learn?

What will I learn?

  • Where and how to find documents and resources essential to implementing the Common Rule
  • How to interpret key sections of the Common Rule, including IRB operations, functions, and responsibilities pertaining to review of research
  • How to identify responsibilities other than review of proposed research that are often assigned to IRB administrators

Who should attend?

Beginning IRB administrators.


Nichelle Cobb, PhD, CIP

Nichelle Cobb, PhD, CIP

Senior Advisor for Strategic Initiatives, Association for the Accreditation of Human Research Protection Programs, Inc. (AAHRPP)  

Nancy Olson, JD

Nancy Olson, JD

IRB Analyst, University of Nebraska Medical Center

CE Credit

Participants will receive a certificate of attendance that documents up to 6 continuing education credit hours for their attendance at this workshop. Certificates of attendance are useful for obtaining CE credits from professional associations. Each association's guidelines for accepting CE credit hours (in-person or virtual) may differ. Please consult the appropriate association representative for information on if, and how many, CE credits from this PRIM&R workshop may be used.